Thursday, June 9, 2011

To know the good. . .

 According to Plato, to know good is to do good.  In other words, you can't really say that you know something if you don't put that knowledge into action.  It's only until your knowledge of a subject permeates your life that you can say that you truly know it.

Well, that definition of knowledge concerns me a little.  I feel a bit as if Plato has called me on the carpet.  For example, I can't tell you how many parenting books I've read.  According to Plato, I would only be able to claim knowledge of the information from those books that I actually use.  Ee-gads!  Things are NOT looking good for me folks!

In all honesty, I spend a lot of time sharing my knowledge of faith and how it connects with the environment.  Do I put all of my knowledge into action?  No.  Do I put some of it into action?  Yes.  Am I always trying to do a little better?  Yes.

But I have to admit that Plato has a point.  After all, the debate about obtaining salvation through faith alone versus faith plus works has been going on for centuries.  In this case, Plato comes out on the side of the Church.  If you truly have faith, it would permeate your very being, your life, and your actions.  So, yes, I agree with Plato but with a twist.

I believe that God gives you "points" for effort.  Afterall, He knows us better than we know ourselves.  He sees when we are trying (and sometimes failing) to put our faith in action and He loves us.  I think God appreciates where we are in our spiritual journey and he expects more from us as our faith and our knowledge increase.

So, here's the deal.  Since I've been writing for the past few months about putting our faith in action as stewards of the environment, I am challenging myself and you to earn your new knowledge by putting it into action in your life.  Find a way to be a better steward a little at a time.  I want to hear how you plan to "know the good" by "do[ing] the good".  And if your attempt fails, that's ok!  Try again or try something else.  Several of my attempts at living green have failed.  (Some time, I'll have to tell you about my first attempt at composting!)

So, good luck!  Go forth and steward the earth!  Let me know about your journey and I'll keep you posted on mine.

Remember-Do the good!

Many Blessings,

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